Once you place your order, the product will be shipped within 2 to 3 days. You will receive your order in 2 to 7 days.
COD payment option is available only on selected area. If COD area is not covered by our Delivery partner please pay using online or credit card. COD Payments can be accepted only UAE Currency (AED).
If anyone ordering the product using COD method and after that simply rejected the parcel without any valid reason then our company may proceed for the legal action for the damage you have done for the man work, charges related to the two-way courier, etc.
Our other supported payment methods are credit card/online payments.
Order Cancellation Policy
Cancellation on Customer’s End
You can cancel your order within 24 hours of its placement by calling us on our official number
Cancellation on Company’s End
We can cancel your order because of the following reasons:
- If the product is out of stock
- If your online/credit-card payment is declined
- If the customer is not picking the call (call not responding)
- We will notify the customer regarding the cancellation via SMS, WhatsApp, call and email.
In case the product is out of stock, we will reschedule your order once the product is in stock again.